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Greetings, fellow coffee enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a captivating journey to Utcubamba, Peru, a hidden gem in the world of coffee. Get ready to explore the extraordinary coffee beans of Utcubamba, their distinctive flavour notes, and the ideal brewing method to fully enjoy every drop. But before we delve into the brewing process, let's uncover what makes Utcubamba coffee truly exceptional: its origin, climate, and terrain.


Utcubamba, nestled in the northern highlands of Peru, is home to coffee farms that have been cultivating this liquid gold for generations. The region's unique combination of altitude, climate, and terrain gives birth to coffee beans that are nothing short of extraordinary.


One of the key factors behind Utcubamba coffee's remarkable quality is the high-altitude terrain. Picture yourself amid the picturesque Andes Mountains, where coffee farms thrive at elevations ranging from 1,200 to 1,800 metres above sea level. This lofty altitude provides the perfect environment for coffee cultivation.

At these elevations, the temperature and atmospheric conditions create a microclimate that's tailor-made for coffee. The cooler nights and mild daytime temperatures allow the coffee cherries to ripen slowly, intensifying the beans' flavours. This gradual maturation process imparts depth and character to each bean.


Utcubamba's climate is a coffee lover's dream. The region enjoys a consistent and temperate climate throughout the year, with average temperatures ranging between 15°C and 25°C. This stable climate, devoid of extreme temperature fluctuations, provides the coffee trees with an ideal setting for growth.

Moreover, Utcubamba experiences well-distributed rainfall, ensuring that the coffee trees receive a steady supply of moisture. This consistent rainfall pattern plays a pivotal role in the development of dense, high-quality coffee beans. It's nature's way of nurturing these precious coffee cherries.

Terrain and Soil

The terrain and soil in Utcubamba are integral to the region's coffee excellence. The earth here is a fertile, volcanic loam rich in nutrients. This volcanic soil is a boon for coffee cultivation, as it's laden with essential minerals that coffee trees eagerly absorb, enriching the flavour profile of the beans.

Additionally, the volcanic soil in Utcubamba strikes the perfect balance between acidity and alkalinity, creating an ideal environment for coffee growth. It provides the coffee cherries with the necessary nutrients while maintaining the brightness and balance in the cup. It's no wonder that Utcubamba coffee is celebrated for its unique flavour profile.

Flavour Notes

Bright Citrus Zest

As you take your first sip of Utcubamba coffee, prepare to be dazzled by its bright and invigorating citrus zest. It's as if a burst of sunshine greets your taste buds, awakening your senses with a lively and refreshing note.

Velvety Chocolate Undertones

Savoring this brew, you'll discover a delightful layer of velvety chocolate undertones. This subtle chocolatey essence provides a comforting backdrop to the coffee's bright citrus notes, creating a harmonious blend that's both indulgent and balanced.

Floral Elegance

But Utcubamba coffee has more in store for your palate. There's an enchanting floral elegance that unfurls with each sip. Imagine delicate hints of jasmine and honeysuckle, adding a layer of sophistication to your coffee experience.

Nutty Complexity

As you delve deeper into your cup, you'll uncover a delightful nutty complexity. It's like a gentle, inviting embrace that complements the bright citrus and floral notes. This complexity elevates the coffee, making each sip a journey through layers of flavour.

Smooth Medium Body

To complete the experience, Utcubamba coffee offers a smooth, medium body that caresses your palate like silk. It's a coffee that strikes the perfect balance between boldness and approachability, making it a treasure for coffee enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Brewing Magic

To fully appreciate the unique characteristics of Utcubamba coffee, let's discuss the brewing process. For this brew, I recommend a pour-over method. Here's how to do it:


  • Freshly roasted Utcubamba coffee beans
  • Filtered water
  • Grinder
  • Pour-over coffee maker



  1. Begin by heating your water to around 93°C (200°F). A gooseneck kettle is ideal for precise pouring
  2. While the water heats, grind your Utcubamba coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency, slightly finer than sea salt.
  3. Place a filter in the pour-over cone and rinse it with hot water to eliminate any paper taste. Discard the water from the server.
  4. Add your coffee grounds to the filter, creating a small well in the centre for even extraction.
  5. Start the bloom! Slowly pour enough hot water to wet all the grounds, allowing them to release their aromatic essence. Give it about 30 seconds.
  6. Begin the main pour, starting at the centre and spiralling outward, ensuring even saturation of the coffee bed.
  7. Watch in anticipation as the Utcubamba coffee drips into your server, capturing the essence of the region's terroir.
  8. Once your brew is complete, pour it into your favourite mug, and take a moment to inhale the rich aroma. Sip slowly, allowing the flavours to unfold on your palate.

There you have it – a perfect cup of Utcubamba, Peru coffee, crafted to highlight its unique characteristics. Now, indulge in this exquisite coffee experience and let the flavours transport you to the captivating coffee landscapes of Peru. Stay tuned for more coffee adventures from around the world! ☕✈️

